How to Add Organization Details to Your Tax990 Account

Add your organization details to your Tax990 account

If you’re filing a 990 return for a new organization, you’ll need to add that organization’s details into your Tax990 account before you get started. Keep reading this blog for an overview of how to add a new organization to your Tax990 account.

Why is it important to add accurate information?

Form 990 is an IRS tax-exempt return form that allows tax-exempt organizations to report their financial information and program activities to the IRS and the public. It is very important for organizations to file these forms accurately and on time, or they risk facing penalties. 

The first step to correctly filing your 990 forms is to ensure that you are filing for the correct organization and that all provided information about the organization is correct.

Adding incorrect organization information may lead to the rejection of your 990 forms, thus causing needless delays and even penalties.

How to add your organization details

1. First, log into your Tax990 account. If you don’t have an account, register for one for free.

2. From your Dashboard, click the “Add Organization” button.

3. Next, you can enter your organization’s EIN, and our software will search the IRS public registry for your organization. 

If you would rather input your details manually, you can do that instead. Just provide the correct information in each field. The screen will look like this: 

4. After you verify that all information you entered is correct, save it and continue.

5. From here, you can choose which form to file and get started. 

6. Your organization’s information will be saved in your account, so you don’t have to immediately start filing if you don’t want to. You can start filing later from your Dashboard. Just select the new organization from the “Select Business” drop-down menu and continue.

Now you’re ready to start filing your form! 

Filing with Tax990

If you need any further assistance while filing, don’t worry! You can visit for helpful guides, FAQs, videos, blogs, and more! Additionally, you can contact our dedicated support team via email at [email protected], phone at (704) 839-2321, or live chat for help.

If your form is rejected for any reason, you can re-transmit it to the IRS via Tax990 for free. You can also file an amended return through Tax990 if you omitted or misrecorded any information on your original form. 

Tax 990 includes a free internal audit check that checks your form for IRS instruction errors and notifies you before you transmit it to the IRS. This gives you the opportunity to correct errors and allows for more accurate returns.

Get ahead of your 990 deadline today with Tax990!