Tag: irs 990 series
Navigating the February 990 Deadline with Tax990: Simplified Nonprofit Tax Filing
February is here and love is in the air, but so is the upcoming 990 deadline! Nonprofit organizations are required to file their annual 990 return with the IRS to maintain their tax-exempt status and remain in good standing with the IRS, and, ultimately the public. In this blog, we will cover which organizations are…
Nonprofits with a January 16th 990 Deadline Must File by Midnight
It is surprising to discover that nonprofit entities face stringent filing obligations with the IRS, despite their exemption from federal income taxes. Every nonprofit organization falling under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS tax code, which grants tax-exempt status, is mandated to submit an annual 990 series return to the IRS. What prompts such meticulous reporting…
Understanding IRS Error Codes: Not Being Recognized in the IRS Database
Completing returns in the IRS 990 series is no walk in the park. Completing this form and properly reporting all of the required financial information for your nonprofit organization can be a time-consuming process. Errors can happen- but what should you do when they do? Error codes from the IRS can be tricky, but this…
Completing the Correct 990 Return for Your Nonprofit Organization: Tax Filing Basics
Filing your organization’s tax return can be a once-a-year task that’s easy to overlook. To help you navigate the complexities of the 990 series returns, we’ve put together a guide outlining the filing requirements and the different forms available. Understanding the Basics The form you choose depends on your organization’s financial activity, which may vary…
Understanding IRS Error Codes: Filing an Extension Before the Tax Period Ends
If you receive the following E-file Error Code R0000-035-01: indicating you can not file an application for extension before the tax period ending date, what does that mean? How should you proceed? Keep reading to find out! Are you looking for more information on IRS 990 error codes? Check out our previous blogs in this…
Navigating the Final Sections of IRS Form 990-PF: Parts 13, 14, 15, 16
Congrats, you’ve made it to the home stretch! Today we are going to power through the final Parts of the 990-PF Form and talk about Parts 13-16 Not quite there yet? No worries, get caught up with this blog about Parts I-IV, this blog on parts V-VIII, and this blog on Parts IX-XII! Part XIII…
Hospitals and their Tax-Exempt Status: Eligibility and Filing Requirements
t is a common misconception that the nonprofit sector is always cut and dry. There are many types of organizations that can be considered a nonprofit or a for-profit depending on their programs, services, and structure. This is especially true when it comes to hospitals. While many are run with a for-profit business structure, many…
Savvy Tips for Retaining and Accessing Your Nonprofit’s Vital Documents
Keeping meticulous records is not just a best practice; it’s an essential requirement for nonprofits. You never know when you might need to access historical financial data, crucial governing documents, or past tax returns. Here at Tax990, our team is all about staying savvy, saving time, and helping your organization work smarter, not harder. While…